Stop wasting time on ads that underperform. Our proven process combines irresistible offers, persuasive ad copy, and high-converting video creatives to deliver campaigns that drive results—without the endless cycle of testing and tweaking.
Whether you need short-form video ads, video sales letters, or webinar scripts, we craft every piece to align with your brand and maximize your ROI. Our goal is simple: help you create ads that stay in the market longer and work smarter for your business.
We review your strategy, offers, past creatives, and success stories to craft a compelling, one-of-a-kind offer.
We create powerful hooks, scripts, and ad copy tailored to captivate your audience and drive results.
We handle everything from filming your ad videos to in-house editing for polished, professional results.
Complete our VSL and webinar training to confidently convert leads into loyal clients.
By leveraging our proven strategies—tested with over $10M in ad spend—we deliver low-cost meetings and high conversion rates. Say goodbye to wasted ad spend and guesswork, and start seeing measurable results.
Get one single creative ad video scripted, recorded, and edited. Between 30 seconds to 2 minutes long.
Get 3 video ads scripted, recorded and edited from 30 seconds up to 2 minutes long.
Learn how to develop the perfect winning webinar or VSL to maximize sales conversions from paid ads.
All creatives come with a satisfaction guarantee.
Our objective is to create ads that seamlessly blend into their respective platforms, maintaining a natural yet professional appearance. This approach has consistently yielded higher conversion rates compared to traditional, overly commercialized ads. Our focus is on driving tangible results through proven strategies, rather than chasing vanity metrics. If you're seeking flashy, Super Bowl-style advertisements, we may not be the right fit for your needs.
We only provide the training for VSLs and Webinars. We do not record them.
We will still write and edit the ads for you - or you can purchase the webinar training that has all the training to develop your own winning creatives as well.
Simply purchase the service you're inquiring about. From there we will schedule a consultation meeting to go over your offer, hooks etc. Once that is complete we will put together scripts for the videos. Send them for approval, then record.
Please fill out the following form to request creative samples. Note that this is an automated service.
Get more business by having Lead Sniper generate exclusive leads with your ideal clients. Designed for lenders, realtors & brokerage owners.
Growing and scaling a business is all about using system to help you get new clients on demand.
With lead snipers you’ll go from an empty pipeline to a full pipeline bursting at the seems.
All of the above. Done for you. Exclusively with Lead Sniper.
Lead sniper is ideal for a lenders, realtors & brokerage owners who are looking to begin the process of scaling. We created this package for those who have succeeded at working with online leads in the past & have proven results at converting them & have capacity to do their own appointment setting.
Get more business for your brokerage or team with Enterprise. A full suite of services so you never have to spend you or your team’s highly valuable time prospecting, qualifying or writing up drip campaigns ever again.
Say Good-Bye to Zillow or shared poor quality leads resulting in hours of wasted resources- and say hello to custom, exclusive appointments with only your ideal clients.
A busy brokerage owner or team leader who understands the importance of generating new business online but no longer wants to waste precious resources on sifting through poor quality leads.
If your a new lender or realtor or just new to online leads but are ready to take advantage of the exponential growth online leads can provide- without the huge investment- then the One Time Set Up is for you!
If you’ve never worked with online leads before- it’s going to take some practice. Instead of paying high monthly retainers with long term agreements or high cost-pay-per lead systems- use our One Time Set Up to gain experience working with leads at an entry level cost. The best part- we will provide you with the training you need to master it.
Newer agents or loan officers who are looking to get their toes wet before making a major commitment to a fully managed lead generation package.
If you are already generating your own leads but do not have the time to process them and set appointments- Appointment Hunters ISA service is for you.
Lead generation without proper systems to contact, qualify & process is setting money on fire.
All of the above. Done for you. Exclusively with Appointment Hunters.