What is Conversational AI?
Discover how conversational AI is helping business grow revenue, increase profit margins and close more deals by increasing speed to lead, which is reducing operational costs, and optimizing customer engagement. Learn how Admin Hero can help you streamline your lead generation process.
How AI is Transforming Business Lead Generation: A Personal Story
How AI is Transforming Business Lead Generation: A Personal Story When I first started my marketing agency specializing in lead generation, I kept hearing one common warning: small businesses wouldn’t follow up with their leads fast enough. I was told that when businesses didn’t close sales, they’d blame me for poor lead quality. My Early […]
Is Lead Generation Worth It?
Every day I talk to people who are wanting to buy leads. Every day I see people going through the existential crisis of to buy, or not to buy leads. There are three kinds of “lead buyers” out there- people who have bought leads and been “burnt”, people who have never bought but have heard […]
YouTube ads Vs. Facebook ads for Real Estate Agents & Brokers
The difference between Youtube and Facebook ads for Real Estate Lead Generation for buyer and seller leads online. Push Vs. Pull Marketing Have you ever went online and searched for a plumber when you didn’t need one? Probably not- but when you needed one, where would be the first place you would go to search […]
Content management vs. Direct Response Marketing
2018 seems to be the year content began making a steady decline. Why did this happen? Well, Facebook obviously figured out that they need monetize the hell out of what we have and exploit it- or something like that. Did you have a Facebook page years ago? Remember the organic growth?! Remember how you could […]
The 40 hour work week is dead
The 40 hour work week is dead The average person enters the work force at age 18. The average person retires at age 65. The average person works 40 hours per week. This translates to an estimated 90,000 hours of our entire life we spend working. That’s 10 full years we spend in our cubicle, […]